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Back & Forth | Noah Sanders + Maw Shein Win Collaborate







juan in a white dress with puffy sleeves. jack the same. their eyebrows are koal streaks & look like eels. we are sitting in a room looking at a picture of a living room scene. on the sofa sits a person & a goat. we kept staring at the picture trying to figure it out.



there's neon. not a light, but a feeling. my ex-girlfriend is there, standing in the feeling of neon. she's wearing a denim skirt.



I left the cottage as the rain cleared. I needed to breathe. the streets were empty & I found this comforting. a squirrel dashed across the path, a plum in its paws.




two bodies hover above me. one man, one woman; each dressed in the attire of '50s suburbia. blindfolds crusted in dirt cover their eyes. I step towards them, they move backwards. 




the two-year old who lives above us never stops running. I awake & hear her laughter.





"Harbour" by Cate le Bon


it plays like a montage in a drug-fueled taste of celluloid.

a moment of production; synth gives rhythm to weighing and bagging.

the future is ripe for violence, but the clarity of a voice speaks to momentary,

manufactured peace



"hot snow - part one" by myrmyr


at midnight I make my way down the long hall

light zips off mirrored squares

somewhere a flash flood

i reach out before me



"Skin, It Itches" by ME REX


ripe sweat, stale cigarettes, 

humidity like a mountain bearing down. 

screaming men, screaming women.

this is somewhere else,

this is someone younger



Terry Riley “In C”


walking along bay trail, dirt path, 

lavender & echinacea

along the way it’s warm 

people with small dogs on trail

music from beyond next hill

gongs, bells & percussion

walk towards it



And he rambles (based on a performance by Ramblin' Jack Elliot)


and he rambles.

92 and half-stooped,

head half-cocked,

halfway between
a saunter and a song.

we watch, white hair

telling more stories,
more telling than





cornstalks, color of sand, dry spring

small animals seek moisture on shrubs & grasses

darkened corn husks along the roadside



on a phone, on a screen, on a map,
a terrain blistered apocalyptic
burn a color more than a concept



what if the clouds disappear

lost in a fog

what if the sky goes dark 

can’t see the stars




a leaves skittering tip-tap sees
seasons change. now nothing
changes. heat so heavy, skies
seem a burden born from above




carry the weight of air

and heat, birds a

sleep in the dry yellow

leaves, a shifting wind









a dry itch in the center of the back

you dab a balm to soothe




pain, soft and thick.

layer after layer

built up.





heat from the blue pad

warms the twists and knots


stutter hitch gasp


stutter hitch gasp


stutter hitch gasp



easy now

stutter hitch gasp 






a body

to the bed

dust on the


heat from


stop to take

a breath

now & then.

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